Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Mr. Olympia (Jerry Stubbs) ve Ted DiBiase


I will say straight out that I never had
an affinity for Ted DiBiase. Just zero 
interest. Nothing I can put my finger on.

But Jerry's "Mr. Olympia" persona? Chills!
One of my all-time favorites. That body was
incredible, and he was a damn fine athlete.

Mr. Olympia had range: He could be a dominating 
bad-ass or a perfect suffering jobber, all with the
same level of conviction.

There was an upset in me to see him dominated by someone I
didn't like, but at the same time it was extraordinarily exciting.
I did not understand the implications of that as a kid!

But that anger at seeing him defeated was balanced with
the pure satisfaction of watching that hot bod get
worked over~! 

The sleeper hold was a hot move to start with.
It was also a signature move of Mr. Olympia, so
seeing it placed on him as a slap in the face was 

Jerry (masked or not) had an energy and presence that 
was mesmerizing. There was a fire in there which added 
to the overall appeal. 

Oh, my!

Ol' goofy Ted slobbering on my man.
Understandable, but gross!

Jerry was one of the 'bigger' wrestlers back then.
Some matches will give you a crotch shot that 
makes you do a double-take, rewind, and pause.
I think he must've worn multiple pairs of trunks to
keep that wand under control.

SO fucking hawt!!

The way it shoulda gone down! LOL!

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