Thursday, June 28, 2012

Them Amazing Yeller Britches!

There's just something so especially
seductive, so shimmering and shiny
and showcase-worthy about a pair of yellow trunks!

Perhaps it's my personal adolescent experiences I
grafted onto the random color....

...that enhances an otherwise bland pigment.

Perhaps it's that any color could actually
be made exciting by the magic held by
these particular Adonises!

Any way you grab it, it's all good.
Any kink that works for ya is a good kink...

...and yellow does a bit more for the
imagination that even white, so I'll
take it.

Yeah! Take that control!

Tell that punk who's in charge! Mmnnn!

Oh my.....that's a whole lotta power in that engine!


And possibly my favorite wrestler of all time,
Mr. Jeff Farmer, a.k.a. Cobra!
Show 'em how it's done, Jeff!


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