Tuesday, September 1, 2009

PATRICK WILSON...Oh. My. Goodness.

I have this sort of....

I hold on to

regarding Patrick Wilson.

See, I grew up in

Tampa, and Patrick's

mom and dad

were locally well known.

There were updates on

the local news

(which Patrick's dad co-hosted)

wherein we would learn all about Mr. Wilson's New York City
stage work. He
was so cute, and talented, and I formed this
pseudo-attachment to the idea that I was "more" peripherally

connected to Patrick than I was, say....my fake husband Luke Wilson.
Ya know, since I actually lived in the same town

with someone who was related to Patrick.
No need for his people to check the databases for stalker references;
It was all perfectly innocent and maintained within my head.
Part of the appeal was his being an 'artistic sort' while his parents were so plainly squares.

I liked the rebel vibe of that whole shtick, and it enhanced the draw.

He has a great Everyday Joe look, with that smoldering intensity brewing.
Obviously, too, he has seen the inside of a gym once or twice. (sigh.)

He's great in everything, but three films stand out as faves.
ANGELS IN AMERICA was transformational on many levels. Very intense.

LITTLE CHILDREN was a brilliant tale of desire, relationships, and playing roles;
not to mention one of the hottest sex scenes ever.
The third is PASSENGERS, which rocked me for several reasons.
So, thanks for becoming a big, successful acting stud and gay icon, Mr. Wilson.
And thanks for the ongoing non-existent love affair in my head.

That is, after all, the most rewarding sort!

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