So, as it turns out, the treasonous entity known as
facebook (you know, famous for profiting off
Russian interference in our election process?)
has some so-called standards after all.
Do they involve banning hate groups? Naw.
Keeping religious folks or politicians from
spreading bile and homophobia? 'course not!
But they did let me know I was not allowed to
post this image--one of two men kissing.
We know that the surest way to keep people
down is to convince them that there is
something 'wrong' with them--to erode their
confidence and self-worth.
Many of us have experienced this our whole
lives, and figured that surely by this point
in the game, people would be over their bullshit.
But, no worries.
Here's the photo; An unapologetic embrace of
truth, vulnerability, and acceptance.
Because we are valid, and so is our love.